Company: Hennessee Graphics
Phone: 423-693-5155
Joe Hennessee of Hennessee Graphics is an independent graphic artist with 30 years experience designing out of home ads in addition to managing out of home plants in Florida and Texas. Insider talked to Hennessee last week
How did you get involved with the out of home advertising business?
Carl Korynas and Milton Vincent gave me my first job in outdoor advertising with Vandsco Posters shortly after graduation from high school. Two years later Milton and Gene Mullins (now owner of United Grafix, Inc.) were working with Creative Displays and wanted me to make flat tone process appear to look like photos. This gave me a chance to display my creative side. I was now hooked on outdoor. Since majoring in Art in high school and college I was always looking for ways to be creative. When I met Ken Hall with Hall Outdoor I started free lancing my art. I worked with Ken until he retired.
What sort of ad design services do you provide?
Being employed part time with Outdoor Posters in Chattanooga as art director my major focus is Outdoor Advertising. As a freelance artist I also include services such as Logo design or any size advertising ad from business cards to wall coverings.
What are five keys to designing an effective out of home ad?
Who you are,
What you do,
How to get in touch with you,
Keep it simple.
Make it interesting.
What’s the favorite ad you’ve designed for a client and why?
My favorite design was a wall covering for Valentinos in New York City for a flag company I was working for at the time. The size was a 30’ x 30’ which hung off the side of a building. The owner and production manager had no idea how this could be done. So they came to me and asked me if it could be done and I said yes. This was in 1985 and I had never attempted anything like this and it challenged me. I made it happen…a big red heart inside a white background which hung from the side of the Valentinos building in New York City.
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