United expands banners-to-bags ‘upcycling’ project

screen-shot-2016-10-12-at-9-08-09-amUnited Airlines is expanding an “upcycling” initiative turning old banners and billboards into travel accessories as reported in The Chicago Tribune.  United spokesperson  Maddie King  shares that “rather than put them in landfills, we decided to try to find something creative to do with them,” she said.

Last year, the airline worked with students at Columbia College Chicago and the Re:new Project to make 100 carry-on backpacks and duffels out of the banners. They sold out in two hours.

Here is a video about the project:




This year, 750 luggage tags, drawstring bags and messenger bags will go on sale at www.unitedshop.com. Last year, profits from the recycled luggage sales benefited Glen Ellyn nonprofit Re:new and the Alto Mayo Forest Carbon Project in Peru.

This year proceeds will go back into the project so United can keep making the upcycled accessories.

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