Unique Out of Home Structures

As a followup to Monday’s The Better the Frame the Better the Picture post we’ve highlighted two interesting billboard structures.  The first is a unique Watchfire digital billboard embedded into a structure owned by Motley’s in Richmond, VA.  Yes, that’s a real 18 wheeler.  Must be pretty strong steel to hold up the truck.  A thank you to Jim Shultheis at Watchfire for bringing this to our attention.

The second is an earth mover extension which Fredrickson Outdoor added to a farm implement billboard in Faribault, Minnesota.  Duane Fredrickson says this was a challenging build because the two structures are 50 feet in the air and sway independently of each other.

What’s the most challenging or craziest structure you’ve ever designed? Send a picture and some comments to davewestburg@billboardinsider.com.

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