Last week out of home site development expert Andy Goodman discussed 4 misconceptions landowners have about out of home companies. Today he talks about two misconceptions out of home companies have about landlords.
What misconceptions do out of home companies have about landlords?
That if you give them too much information they’ll run off and do it on their own. Most landowners don’t want to do it on their own. They give you the impression that they do and then they start to investigate it and find out how difficult it’s going to be and they come back to one billboard company.
Another misconception is that they are always going to create a bidding war. That’s why I like to meet with property owners one on one. The more time that you spend with them one on one the less likely that they’ll put it out to bid. If you only talk with them on the phone they don’t know you from Adam.
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Excellent advice.
Andy Goodman does a nice job of empathy to both thr OOH firm as well as the landowner..