Trivisions in a Digital World

Someone asked Insider why there are still trivisions in a digital world.  The answer is simple.  Regulations.  Yesterday, Insider passed a pair of Lamar trivisions along the West Seattle Freeway. The signs sit next to a busy freeway.  Why aren’t they digital?  Because Seattle prohibits digital billboards.

Digital billboards on the West Seattle freeway would look better, create more advertising opportunities for local businesses and would generate more gross receipts tax revenue for the city of Seattle and the State of Washington.  These locations would be perfect for amber alerts, public safety alerts and traffic alerts.

The West Seattle bridge sits about a mile beyond these signs.   It was the scene of two accidents which shut down all traffic on the bridge for 6 hours on October 8, 2019.  What if digital billboards could have been used to notify drivers of the accident and to recommend detours. Seattle City Council, are you listening?


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