Inrix Reports Travel Continues to Rebound

US travel continues to rebound according to the INRIX U.S. National Traffic Volume Synopsis Issue #8 (May 2 – May 8, 2020).  Here are the highlights.

  • US passenger travel increased to 71% of normal for the week ended May 8, up from 64% of normal for the week ended May 1.
  • Travel increased in every state compared to last week, for the third week in a row, with all states increased at least 2%. Nebraska and Hawaii had the lowest increase, 2% each.  Three states increased more than 10%, Alabama (11%), Maine (10%) and Tennessee (10%). 40 states in total increased 5% or more this week. Figure 2 shows each state’s weekly rolling average on May 8th in blue, last week’s (May 1st) in orange, and the maximum drop at any point from March 1st in gray.

Nationwide truck travel increased to 92% of normal for the week ended May 8 up from 91% of normal for the week ended May 1.

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