Together, We Can Mend Our Country’s Divisions

By Dave Isay, Founder and President, StoryCorps

Dave Isay, Founder and President, StoryCorps

On July 1, I wrote about a new PSA campaign that addresses the dangerous toxic polarization in our country, the multi-billion dollar media industry that fuels and profits from these political divides, and, most importantly, the need to find our way back to recognizing each other as fellow Americans. 

That was before the assassination attempt on July 13—a chilling reminder of the fragile state of our country. The need to bridge our country’s divisions has never been more urgent. Our country’s future depends on it. 

But there is a solution. StoryCorps’ One Small Step (OSS) is an effort to remind us of our common ground as Americans. Over the last several years, OSS has paired thousands of strangers with opposing political beliefs for conversations about their lives, and we have worked for years in a handful of communities nationwide to test and hone our methodology.

OSS works. Research by accomplished scientists and pollsters shows us that the initiative is uniquely effective in helping people with opposing viewpoints see the humanity in their fellow Americans and in seeding hope for civil communication. 

Earlier this month we launched OSS America—a national expansion effort that allows anyone, anywhere, to participate in a cross-partisan conversation. Part of this project is our PSA campaign across print, digital, radio, television and OOH advertising.  

OOH is particularly important to me—it is the most uniquely American form of advertising, and reaches across all divides to speak to everyone. It is the perfect medium to get out a message about the importance of recognizing our shared humanity and bringing our country together.

 From all corners of our nation, we have heard calls for unity. We must answer this call and meet the moment. Help us spread our non-partisan message with the millions of Americans that OOH reaches. Together, let’s heal our country’s divisions—one conversation at a time.


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