The Non-profit That Spends $6 Million a Year on Billboards

Company:  Christian Aid Ministries

Address:  PO Box 360, Berlin, OH. 44610


Phone: 330-893-2428

Christian Aid Ministries is a non-profit which spends $6 million a year renting 1,900 billboards in all 46 states as well as Puerto Rico.  The billboards have simple messages encouraging people to call a toll-free spiritual counseling number.  In addition to the Billboard program, Christian Aid Ministries distributes Bibles, food, clothing medical supplies and refugee aid around the world.  Billboard Insider talked with Jay Stoltzfus, the company’s Billboard Evangelism Director.

What are you spending on out of home?

Close to $6 million on rent and about $800,000 on vinyl and production.

Do you do digital as well as static?

We have expanded across the US and so far we’ve been able to get really good deals on static, so static has been kind of our go-to.   Occasionally we’ll do some digital but it’s one here, one there, in a market.

You do a lot of business with Lamar

But we also do a sizable amount of Clear Channel…We try to work with as many independents as we can…Off the top of my head but I’m guessing it’s probably 40-50.

Are impressions important?

Yes, because we are CPM driven.  But we have a formula if someone gives us a traffic count then yeah we run it through the formula to get close to impressions.

How long are your contracts?

Most of our bulletins are 12 month contracts… sometimes we’ll do a summer campaign to really target Interstate billboards when people are traveling… we also do posters on a little bit more remnant type deals.

How does your buying process work?

We’ll send out an RFP asking for what billboards are available at what cost.   It takes about a month to evaluate the results.  Then we send a message confirming what billboards we want and we’ll sign the out of home company’s contract.  We have an agreement with Circle Graphics to print the vinyl but we take quotes from printing companies for each year.

 Who does the creative? 

We do it in house.  We have an in-house design team and a public relations team.

What sort of proof of performance do you want

We want good photos.  We turn around and take the photos and use them in our adopt a billboard campaign with our supporters.  It gives supporters tangible proof of what they are financing.

You can learn more about Christian Aid Ministries Billboard programs by contacting Jay Stoltzfus,, 330-893-2428


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