The Billboard Industry Can Help Strengthen America

Insiders’ Comment: As our readers know, we tend not to be political, but we do think that One Small Step is an important campaign. Today, we introduce you to Dave Isay with more to follow this week on details. Thanks for your time and consideration.

Dave Isay, Founder and President, StoryCorps

By Dave Isay, Founder and President, StoryCorps

Our country is at a troubling crossroads, as toxic polarization tears us apart. This division weakens our great nation – which only serves to advance the goals of our enemies abroad like China, Russia, and Iran. As President Reagan often reminded us: “Freedom is a fragile thing, and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction.”

Political differences – and healthy debate – is a good thing for America. But hate for our fellow Americans is a very dangerous thing. It is time to do something about it. I would even suggest: it is our patriotic duty to do so.

An October 2023 PPRI survey showed 23% of the country now says “we may have to resort to violence to save our country.” That is up from 15% in October 2021 — an increase of 50% in 24 months.

A Washington Post poll showed that only 1 in 10 voters regard people with different politics as “reasonable.”

A report from the nonpartisan group More In Common reported that more than 80% of Democrats and Republicans now see the other side as “hateful” and “brainwashed.”

And, sadly, 43% of Americans now believe a second civil war is likely in our lifetime, per an Economist/YouGov poll.


One Small Step is the promising answer to toxic polarization, powered by the acclaimed non-profit StoryCorps. We are seeking the help and support of outdoor advertising companies for our efforts.  One Small Step is launching a national PSA campaign on July 1, featuring print, digital, out of home, radio, and television. Concurrent with that, our online tool – One Small Step Connect ( – goes live, giving anyone, anywhere in America, the ability to engage in one of these conversations with a stranger on the other side of the political aisle.

Backed by extensive research data, and proven results, our intervention brings together regular Americans – one-on-one – for conversations across the divide. Not to debate politics, but to talk, to listen, to be curious, and to see each other again as fellow Americans.

The research shows this simple conversation works. Since 2017, we tested One Small Step conversations in our model communities: Wichita, Kansas; Fresno, California; Columbus, Georgia; and Richmond, Virginia. To date, more than 5,400 people in over 40 states have participated in One Small Step conversations. . We learned that participants show increased empathy and understanding, not just for each other, but for people on the other side in general. The goal isn’t to turn Trump voters into Biden voters, or vice versa, nor even get liberals and conservatives to become moderates. It is simply to see the goodness in each other again, even when we strongly disagree with each other. It is the very core of our identity as Americans, and is enshrined in our national motto E Pluribus Unum (Out of many, one).

And, for those reached by our PSA campaign who don’t want to personally participate in conversations, simply watching our short, produced videos of other conversation partners brings about nearly identical positive results and increases hope for our nation’s future.

CBS will be featuring One Small Step in Eye on America stories in July, and on an episode of 60 Minutes later in July.

That support is great. But it is not enough.

So this is where we need your help. We know we are David fighting the mass media and political multi-billion dollar Goliath spreading messages of hate and division. But David defeated the giant. With you as our sling, we hope to do likewise.

You can help get our messages out through out of home advertising space in communities large and small, from coast to coast. When you seek to fill your unsold inventory with PSA messaging, please consider selecting our One Small Step campaign.

We know One Small Step is a moonshot, but it’s worth trying. Because if the culture of contempt wins, we all lose.


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