The Better the Frame the Better the Picture

Matt Schulze of Selective Structures talked with Billboard Insider about one of the company’s unique installations.

Tell us about the project

It’s a monument sign for Dania Pointe, a 102 acre mixed use development in south Florida.  It’s a 14 by 48 Daktronics digital billboard mounted on a monument sign.    The structure is 60′ high.  We had a 6′ by 36′ foundation.  We put up the monopole and then added a steel frame on which we hung backlit cabinets covering the structure.  Here’s the structure under construction before we added the backlit cabinets.

You feel strongly about design.

The structure is the frame for the out of home picture.  The better the frame, the better the picture.  One of the biggest problems in the industry is operators who do not maintain and property paint their structures.  It detracts from the message on the billboard and shortens the life of the structure due to rust.

Insider’s take: The better the frame the better the picture. Think about Veale Outdoor’s monument signs or Orange Barrel Media’s Sunset Spectacular or the pending West Hollywood projects.  If your plant is simple plain monopoles, keep it painted and rust free.

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