Insider thinks non-profits are overlooked as a source of out of home revenues. School districts, state governments and advocacy groups are all potential clients as you can see from this post by the ACLU’s Jenna Farley. Farley says response to the campaign has been positive so far. Putting a billboard next to the bail bonds office and across form the county jail gets people talking!
By Janna Farley, Communications Director ACLU of South Dakota
Location, location, location isn’t just a real estate mantra. When it comes to advertising for the American Civil Liberties Union of South Dakota, location was key when selecting a billboard for its inaugural out-of-home campaign.
The campaign, designed to draw attention to the ACLU’s push for criminal justice reform, uses a mix of static and digital billboards in Sioux Falls and Rapid City, South Dakota’s two largest cities.
The campaign’s static billboard is already up in Sioux Falls next to a bail bondsman office and across from the county jail. The billboard’s location and message – “People Not Prisons” – is simple, but intended to be provocative, especially as construction for a $48.3 million expansion of the county jail beings later this month.
“Mass incarceration devastates communities, tears families apart, costs millions of taxpayer dollars and has failed to make us safer,” said Heather Smith, executive director of the ACLU of South Dakota. “Smart justice is a way of addressing criminal justice issues that solves the problems of crime rather than simply punishing people and locking them up. It’s time to put people before prisons.”
The ACLU will roll out the message on 20 digital billboards in Sioux Falls and Rapid City on Monday. In addition to the People Not Prisons ad the digital ads will feature the following copy.
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