Jim Moravec’s Stott Outdoor is seeking a transit sales manager. Stott has a billboard and transit plant in California Oregon, California and Nevada. Moravec is well-connected in the industry. He serves on the boards of Geopath and the OAAA.
Jim, tell us about Stott Outdoor’s transit operations.
Stott got into the transit business in 2000 initially to add inventory in markets in which our billboards enjoyed high occupancy. We have since expanded beyond that and now have sales offices in a number of transit only markets. Our transit foot print is from Salem Oregon south to Modesto California. Due to the growth in this segment of our business it now makes sense to have one individual responsible for managing our sales efforts in 11 transit markets and directly manage our 4 transit only sales representatives. We operate both street furniture as well as bus advertising.
What’s your company’s corporate culture like?
Accountable, Customer Oriented, High Expectations, Integrity, Organized and Professional while caring for the needs of our individual producers.
What are some qualities which you are seeking in the Transit Sales Manager.
A person that can lead and teach others to creatively address the needs of advertisers through the use our products.
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