Stephen Johnsen, Waller Outdoor
I have two, back-to-back. And they’re 10’ by 20’… One of the requirements for our municipality was they had to stay pretty close to what their original on-premise sign ordinance said. That sign ordinance said 200 square feet… Second to that I had done quite a bit of research on 35 mile an hour speed zones. The 10’ by 20’…was what was a trend… At a 35-mile speed limit you can read it… For me being in that business district, matching the ordinance, the cost, it all fell into place easily.

Ike Wingate, Wingate Media
A lot of it comes down to the local regulations. Sometimes I come across regulations that say, OK if you’re going to build over this size you’re going to have to be 50 feet off the right of way… We’ve experimented with the small digital size in a case where I can get right up next to the road as long as I’m under a certain square footage… I’ve got great friends in the business that might say that’s crazy… especially some of my friends that sell structures for a living. I understand their point of view. But the numbers would disagree with that. In some cases, you can build a great sign and still be under 100 square feet and be close to the road… We used Lightking in this particular case because of the way they light up. They don’t do a triangulated pattern. They do them in a straight line. So, it made them better quality, better resolution than a 16 millimeter that was separated… I actually saw some other signs by the same manufacturer in person before we decided to buy… It’s going to pay for itself in the first 12 months… Sometimes in business the obvious things aren’t obvious. It comes down to can you get someone on there and keep them on there. If you’re having to churn people constantly that takes time. What value does your time have? If I can build a smaller sign and get 80% of the revenue but always have it full… that’s delivering the other 20% of value back to me in time.
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