Static Outdoor Not Growing? Think Again

It’s fashionable to say that static outdoor is flat and the future belongs to digital.  Billboard Insider loves digital.  We own a digital billboard has a 35% return on investment.  But we take issue with the statement that static out of home is flat.  Static out of home revenues in our Circle City Outdoor Minnesota plant are up nicely year over year through a combination of lower vacancy and new construction.  Other independents see the same.  95% of our readers have growing static billboard revenue.  22% of our readers have static revenue growth in excess of 10%.  29% of readers have static revenue growth of 5-10%.

One out of home exec tells Billboard Insider his static boards are benefit as other plants convert to digital:

Our static inventory is actually performing better than ever before. With our main competitors converting so many boards to digital the market has become flooded with digital. There are a significant number of advertisers that don’t want digital and prefer static

And here is a comment from another owner:

Our static revenue is up by 12.5%, in part from rate increases, and now seeing revenue off the 37 static we added last year and the 40 we are on pace to do this year. I would say 75% of the statics we build have all the faces sold prior to construction and all have had at least one side sold. Our demand and rates for static signs is far from flat!


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