Softsigns Philly Falling Man

Commuters caught in the daily gridlock in and around the Philadelphia Metropolitan Area are doing enthusiastic “double-takes” thanks to the latest outdoor campaign from MyPhilyLawyer.

The Philadelphia personal injury leader and their agency, Ivy Creative, teamed with Soft Signs 3D to create a message that jumps out at you…literally. “Falling Man,” a 3D Vinyl Air Sculpture depicting a construction worker’s slip-and-fall accident, is a hit says attorney Dean Weitzman.

“This is a highly-competitive and saturated advertising market,” says Weitzman. “We want to be unique every time we put our brand out there, and our billboards are no exception.”

“We’re the first law firm in the market to use 3D outdoor advertising, and the feedback has been extremely positive. This creative works because it makes an indelible impact. Clients remember MyPhillyLawyer when they need us most, plus, we always know we’re onto something when our competitors rush to imitate us,” Weitzman quipped.

Out-Front Media coordinated a solid and diverse campaign for the buy. “Falling Man” and its companion piece, “Car Crash” move to highly visible major arteries around the Philly market monthly.

You can watch a 23 second drone sourced video of the falling man sign below.

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