SignBird Tuesday Tip – Tips from a Web Designer for the Best OOH Website

This week on SignBird Tips, we interviewed our Web Operations Manager, David Porkka, on what makes a great out-of-home website! We’ve been making websites just as long as we’ve been shooting billboard footage, and we’ve got everything down to a science. The following tips generated by David will make your website one of the best!

One of the most important features of a website is a clear call-to-action button that directs users to get in touch with you or browse your inventory. This button is useful for converting your website visitors into media buyers and ensuring that they see the most important areas of your website. Make sure this call-to-action button is immediately visible when users land on your homepage, but not obstructive. You want them to notice it, but not be annoyed by it.

Next, when it comes to out-of-home websites, you’ll want to display your inventory! An inventory map does a great job of showing off all your locations and allows potential ad-space buyers to easily find what they’re looking for. For additional functionality, allow your users to filter results based on location and billboard type.

Last, but certainly not least, having great images and video will help you capture the attention of your visitors! When you have one of your premier billboards featured on your homepage, you’ll want to make sure it looks the best. Well-captured and edited media makes your website more appealing, as opposed to amateur photos and videos, which can make your company less professional. People love to see appealing photos and videos!

Keep these three things in mind when upgrading your website! Our team is here to help with all the details, so feel free to ask if you need a professionally made website! Want to stay connected with us? Click the like and subscribe button below to see more content just like this! If you need help marketing your out-of-home company, go to today!


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