SignBird Tuesday Tip – Is Your Board Camera Ready?

One of the things we come across when taking photos and video of billboards are boards that aren’t quite ready to be shot. Making sure your board is picture-perfect helps us capture the beautiful footage that we love. Here are some tips on how to make sure your board is ready for it’s close-up!

Number one is the most important, also the most obvious – is your digital board turned on? Is your static board equipped with the right ad copy? Our project manager will contact you before the shoot to make sure everything is turned on and in working order.

Working order is the second most important! Do you have any pixels that are out and need replacement? Are there pixels that have changed color? Is your static board set up with a vinyl that is clean, not ripped, and ready to go? We will go over all these details with you. If there are out pixels or damaged vinyls we didn’t know about, we will send our pilots back out for a reshoot once everything is fixed.

Third on our list is all about content! What ad or ads do you want to show in your marketing package? For digital billboards, we suggest a combination of self-promo ads and actual ad copies. For static billboards, it would be best if you have a great ad copy on there! Make sure your BEST ads are the ones being shot – ads that are not well designed could detract from how your SignBird Marketing Package photos and videos look. You want to feature the best looking ads possible!


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