SignBird Tuesday Tip – How Best to Start Branding Your Company

Insider’s NoteWe are thrilled to introduce a new weekly article from SignBird.  We appreciate SignBirds creative team and their willingness to bring their thoughts and ideas to Billboard Insider readers.

When beginning to brand your company, it’s important to start by having a set of guidelines for everything you do. Your guidelines should include your colors, fonts, what your company stands for, and writes out how you graphically showcase your company. Basically, anything and everything branding should be in your guidelines to keep everything consistent!

Secondly, you’ll want to name your company something memorable. A great logo and colors go a long way, but having a name that stands out is also huge. Some great examples of names include Obelisk. Their name comes from ancient Egyptians meaning “monument.” Having a name that sounds cool while representing what you do is great. Another great name is TDO Outdoor Advertising. Their name represents Toledo/Detroit Outdoor Advertising and their logo is represented with colors that represent CMYK – which is a four-color process and stands for cyan, magenta, yellow, and key (black), and is preferred for use on printed materials because it helps achieve a true color. TDO’s name represents exactly where it does business which is great, and catchy at the same time. And finally, a third great name is Roar Outdoor. Roar Outdoor metaphorically symbolizes that their billboards are loud, it will catch attention. That’s exactly what you want billboards to do, making it a fantastic name. Their logo is a lion roaring which perfectly tags along with the name, as it is eye-catching much like their inventory will catch your eye.

Finally, update your website to reflect your branding guidelines. Your guidelines don’t mean anything if they aren’t put into action! Share those guidelines with your Web Designers so they have a set of directions to follow when putting together the ultimate representation of your company: your website. Your website embodies your company, it will be the first place most advertisers find you, and it represents everything about your company. Making sure your company follows your guidelines is of the utmost importance!


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