In our company of the day feature today Brad Sourbeer of Parker Outdoor talks about his push for long-term ad contracts. Many presenters at the fall 2022 IBO show talked about long term ad contracts:
Huntington Outdoor CEO Justin Powell says long term contracts are recession prep.
The best time to prepare for a recession is before one happen…We are doing everything we can to get multiyear contract. 3 year contracts with automatic rate increases.
Trailhead Media CEO Randy Otto says now is the time.
Now is the time to get long term contracts. Give up yield for a long contract. A 60-90 day contract may be subject to cancellation.
YESCO Outdoor CEO Pat O’Donnell says long term contracts need inflators.
We’d never write one without an escalation clause.
Billboard Insider’s Take: You need to be careful about locking in a multiyear contract without an adequate contract escalation. If inflation remains high or demand for out of home continues to accelerate a multiyear contract without adequate inflators will be a loser. Clients who experience financial distress in a recession will balk at paying regardless of how long a contract is.
What are your thoughts on short term versus long term ad contracts. Email davewestburg@billboardinsider.com or use the comment form below. We’ll run a followup post.
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