Seth Garrett on Out of Home and Real Estate

Seth Garrett is Real Estate Manager at Link Media Outdoor’s corporate office in Roswell, GA.  Prior to joining Link, he worked in the same role at Fairway Outdoor in Atlanta and Athens, GA, following 10 years in commercial real estate development and consulting.  Insider talked to Seth about what it takes to thrive as an out of home real estate manager.

Seth, how did you get involved with the out of advertising business?

My background is in commercial real estate. After spending about a decade in that world, I was looking for something new and challenging. My first taste of the business came when I was working for a commercial developer/owner in Atlanta. We had a Clear Channel board on one of our properties, and after working out the renewal, I thought, hey! This could be fun.

What qualities make for a good out of home real estate manager?

Certainly having a solid understanding of real estate fundamentals is key. However, what I have found to be most important is, ironically, creativity. No two deals are ever exactly alike, so having the ability to think critically and creatively to solve a problem is without a doubt one of the most valuable abilities a real estate manager can possess. It is definitely a trait that we look for at Link.

How does Link approach relationships with landlords and site developers?

Our approach is to treat each relationship as a valued partnership. When it comes down to it, that’s really what they are. Deals really can be win-win, as long as you take the right approach and know that the “one size fits all” methodology does not work. It’s a very small world in the OOH industry, so “sticking it” to landowners and burning bridges are not sound business practices.

Link has been growing rapidly.  Where are you looking for real estate managers right now?

As you know, much of our recent growth has been in the Midwest. With almost 2,500 structures spread across five states, there are tons of opportunities for real estate deals in this region. We have a fantastic group of REMs, but with a footprint this wide, we are always looking for more sharks to join our team. Our website has all the current opportunities posted, and I’m certain there will be more to come as we continue to grow.

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