Some great advice from Selective Structures Matt Schulze on saying safe on a billboard:
Here are some commonsense rules for avoiding electrocution while installing a sign or changing a vinyl. (1) Use fiberglass rods. (2) Use a qualified and insured contractor rather than doing the install yourself. Preview the area. (3) Look up. Know where the nearest powerline is. (4) Keep your distance from power lines. Remember that you don’t need to touch a power line to get shocked. On existing older structures there are many billboards that do not meet todays the minimum setback requirements. If that’s the case, just be very careful and take your time. On new construction an onsite inspection should be done to determine the distance from the leading edge of face or outside catwalk to the power line. Not every power line has the same setback. If you are not sure what your setback is contact your local power company . On most power poles there should be some type small placards at the base showing the voltage.
For more great advice like this buy In Their Words – Out of Home Executives talk about out of home. This 147 page guide has advice from 173 executives at 150 out of home companies. It costs $49.95 and is available in pdf and epub versions. To learn more and order your copy of the book visit the In Their Words page of the Billboard Insider website.
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