Search Results for "rothfelder"

Billboard Insider’s Out of Home Law Firm List

Insider has assembled a list of law firms active in the out of home business.  We’ve sorted the list by state and we’ve also highlighted law firms and lawyers who are members of the OAAA or IBOUSA.  Membership in an out of home trade group is a great tipoff that […]

Covenants Not to Compete and Out of Home

Insider caught up with Houston billboard litigation and transaction attorney Richard Rothfelder during the IBOUSA conference in Jacksonville, FL. We asked Richard about the case of Catalyst Outdoor Advertising vs Douglas, in which a billboard company sued a former employee for violations of a non-competition agreement. We discovered that Rothfelder […]

Billboard Legal: Mitigating End of Lease Costs

By Richard Rothfelder, Rothfelder and Falick Fairway Outdoor Advert. v. Edwards, 197 N.C. App. 650 (2009). Introduction Sometimes you must pour a huge cement foundation to anchor a billboard and a landlord then paves, landscapes, or builds around your billboard. In those cases, the cost of removing the concrete foundation […]

Texas Court Moots Auspro Challenge

By Richard Rothfelder, Rothfelder and Falick Introduction On April 6, 2018, the Texas Supreme Court granted TxDOT’s Petition for Review and without hearing oral argument, issuing a formal opinion, or considering the merits of the case, vacated the judgments of the Court of Appeals and trial court (which ruled the […]

More on Easements

Some terrific responses to yesterday’s 12 Musts for an Out of Home easement. Jim McLaughlin, Link Media I think you are missing a couple of things on the easement.  You want the right to pay any unpaid property taxes to keep the property from getting sold at a tax auction, […]

Texas passes new height and admin rules

By Richard Rothfelder, Rothfelder and Falick The Texas Transportation Commission has been holding public hearings, considering comments from stakeholders, and otherwise considering amendments to TxDOT’s administrative rules governing federally assisted highways for the last several months. The primary reason cited by TxDOT for the rules amendments was to make them […]

Happy Thanksgiving!

  Insider has a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. To Shelli Bergren, Real Estate Representative, Outfront Media for being our first subscriber. To Dave Harris at Las Vegas Billboards for being our most recent subscriber. Dave is subscriber 1,135 in case you’re counting. To Nancy Fletcher and the […]

Vinyls Needed For Harvey Victims

By Richard Rothfelder, Partner, Rothfelder and Falick I hope you survived Hurricane Harvey with minimal loss. My family was very fortunate to have avoided any meaningful damage. However, not all were so lucky, including the thousands of victims that suffered catastrophic wind damage to their homes and businesses in the […]

Outdoor Legal: Repairing Signs Damaged By Storms

Hurricanes and windstorms can damage billboards.  This can create legal issues, especially if you want to rebuild a non-conforming sign which has been damaged by hurricane.  City of Webster v SignAd is a legal case in which an out of home advertising company successfully contested a city’s efforts to prevent […]

Texas Transportation Commission Against Removing Billboard Height Restrictions.

Insider has learned that the Texas Transportation Commission voted 3 to 2 at an August 31, 2017 meeting to eliminate a proposed change by TxDOT to the state’s billboard regulations which would have removed the 42.5′ height standards for new and relocated billboards.  A 42.5′ height limit will be formally […]