Search Results for "rothfelder"

Make Lease Renewal Clauses Consistent

By Richard Rothfelder, Rothfelder and Falick Make sure your billboard lease renewal clauses are consistent.  Sometimes one clause in a lease can seem at odds with another.  That’s the lesson of Randol v Drury Southwest Signs.  Here are the facts. Chester and Dorothy Gereckes signed a lease with Drury Southwest […]

Comments on lease first rights of refusal

Insider received several comments in response to last weeks post from a landlord criticizing first rights of refusal in billboard leases. Insider thanks everyone who responded on this topic.  We may not always agree but we learn from others even when we disagree. Mike Fitzgerald, Railroad Outdoor I agree that a […]

Rights of First Refusal – Another Point of View

Insider published articles stating the business reasons and legal reasons for inserting right of first refusal clauses in billboard leases.  Insider received this pushback from a landlord/billboard lease holder: I find your article regarding ROFRs to be so landlord unfriendly and completely unnecessary for a billboard company to obtain.  I think […]

Thank You

Insider is taking the day off tomorrow for Thanksgiving.  Today it’s fitting for Insider to say thanks: To Nancy Fletcher and the OAAA for words of encouragement and support and for sharing stories. To the 19,507 visitors who generated 57,819 views at Billboard Insider last month. To Outfront Media Real […]

Gag Orders and Out of Home

By Richard Rothfelder, Rothfelder and Falick Since when can a local government pass a huge new tax and then forbid you from talking about it? That’s what Cincinnati tried to do to Lamar Advertising and Norton Outdoor. Judge Curt C Hartman would have none of it in yesterday’s ruling striking […]

Billboard Leases and Unpaid Taxes

You can protect your billboard leases from being extinguished by a non-governmental foreclosure by recording your leases or easements.  Government foreclosure for unpaid taxes is another matter.  Read this risk disclosure on page 7 of the rating documents for the $505 million Adams Outdoor debt issue: “If the fee simple […]

Collecting On Delinquent Debt, Part 2 – Next Steps

Insider asked attorney Richard Rothfelder to weigh in on his thoughts on dealing with delinquent debts. Yesterday Richard discussed what to do before you have a collection problem. Today we discuss how to handle a collection problem. If, despite all of our efforts, the outdoor advertiser gets stuck with an […]

Collecting On Delinquent Debt, Part 1 – Be Prepared

Most of us appreciate how reliable our customers are at paying for services. However, once in a while, one gets away from us and we find ourselves with a collection issue.  Insider asked attorney Richard Rothfelder for advice on dealing with delinquent debts.  Today, Richard talks about what to do before […]

Judge Could Rule on Cincy Billboard Tax Friday

“Given the judge’s language in the TRO, I would be surprised if he changed his decision at the preliminary injunction stage.  We have a hole in the budget we have to address.”  Cincinnati City Councilman David Mann quoted by A Cincinnati court will hold a hearing on Friday concerning […]

Norton Outdoor v Cincinnati

By Richard Rothfelder, Rothfelder and Falick Norton Outdoor Advertising (“Norton”) sued the City of Cincinnati (“the City”) when the City passed a new tax on billboard revenues (“the Tax”) to become effective on July 1st. Norton is arguing that the Tax is an unconstitutional violation of their freedom of speech. […]