Run personal ads about as frequently as McDonalds carries the McRib.

Yesterday Insider posted on the risks of running personal ads on billboards.  An employee at one of the big three out of home companies  suggests caution is the word when running personal ads.

I think it’s a fine line, but one that can be navigated fairly easily using common sense. On one hand you could argue that personal ads can deepen the “relationship” people have with a billboard or its operator. Kind of the same concept as businesses putting cute messages on their on-site marquees. On the other hand, it does subtract from the overall goal of charging top dollar for advertising every second of the day. And as the article points out, you’ll have interpersonal dramas crop up that you’d rather not get involved with. I’d say you want to do them about as frequently as McDonald’s carries the McRib. Just often enough that people remember it’s something you do, and even then, only for milestone occasions (50th anniversary, 100th birthday, etc).

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One Comment

  1. We’ve been running personal messages for the public for years. Our response from the public is nothing but positive. Which would you rather have… a birthday card or a huge billboard? We live in a facebook / social media society where people share their lives online 24/7. So to get on a billboard is the next big thing. People love it.

    It also helps strengthen our industry because it gets the public excited about billboards. And in our industry, the more people on your side the better!