Rothfelder On The IBO Spring Conference In Kansas City

Richard Rothfelder, Partner, Rothfelder Falick

I’m really looking forward to the IBO Spring Conference on May 4 through 6, which is being held on The Plaza in Kansas City, right down the highway from my alma meter the 2022 National Basketball Champion Kansas Jayhawks (Rock Chalk Jayhawk!). My partners Mike Falick and Chris Rothfelder and I are presenting during the Thursday morning session on Billboard Acquisition Transactions, including Covenants Not to Compete, and the Reagan vs City of Austin case.

Chris Rothfelder was part of a panel discussion during the last IBO conference in Pittsburg on billboard acquisition transactions, and he published an article in Billboard Insider on the topic in the September 30, 2021 edition. Chris got a lot of feedback and questions after his presentation and article, including from buyers insisting that the asset purchase agreement be accompanied by a covenant not to compete. Insider published my article on covenants not to compete in its March 10th edition, and it reported on the case of Wolverine Sign Works vs Powers involving a non-compete agreement and decided by the Michigan Supreme Court in 1929 in its April 18th issue. Chris Cowlbeck agreed these duel issues, billboard transactions and covenants not to compete, are hot topics the attendees should find interesting and helpful.

We added the presentation on the Reagan vs Austin case at the last minute, given the Supreme Court’s monumental decision rendered on April 21st. Billboard Insider published my article summarizing what the case means and what’s next for the industry in its April 25th edition, and there’s still lots to digest and discuss. Bring your questions, and we’ll try to predict how the decision will affect you and your business.

Once again, Chris Cowlbeck and his crew at IBO have done a fantastic job of preparing a fun and informative conference. See you in Kansas City!


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