Roland Outdoor welcomes President Trump to storm damaged Tennessee


Photos used with permission of Dave Roland, Roland Digital Media and Tasty Ad

President Trump came to Tennessee to inspect tornado damage.  Dave Roland of Roland Digital Media ordered some vinyls welcoming the president and also ran ad copy on his 20 digital signs welcoming the President.  Dave tells Insider that his billboard plant survived the tornados without damage.    The President visited Jefferson Church of Christ to meet with storm victims from had this exchange with Roland:

Dave Roland:  Mr President, I’m the billboard guy.

President Trump: Are you the guy that put those signs up?  How did you get them up? Are they electric?

Dave Roland:  Yep.  and the ones on the ground we had them printed overnight.  20 of them.

President Trump:  And you own them?

Dave Roland:  Yes sir.

President Trump:  Well, he must be a rich man…that was such a beautiful billboard.  All lit up.  I appreciate it.  I know what that takes.

You can watch the video here.

Video used with permission of Dave Roland, Roland Digital Media and Tasty Ad

Roland gives a shout out to Camel City Printing for printing and shipping the vinyl to him in 24 hours.

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