RIP Jimmy Tidwell

Jimmy Tidwell, 1933-2024

Jimmy Tidwell died on July 9, 2024.   Tidwell spent 30 years at Donrey Outdoor, through Donrey’s sale to Clear Channel subsidiary Eller Media in 2000. From there he became a consultant for Clear Channel Outdoor and eventually a partner at Oklahoma City Outdoor in 2003.  He was inducted into the OAAA hall of fame in 1999.

A funeral service will be held Monday July 15, 2024 at Locust Grove Funeral Home Chapel in Locust Grove, Oklahoma with burial at Hogan Cemetery.

Pete Hautem tells Billboard Insider: “Jim was my boss for several years, but more importantly, a very close friend.  He will be missed.”

Lamar Board Member and former OAAA President and CEO Nancy Fletcher says: “Jim Tidwell was a western gentleman in the finest sense. Hard working. Straight talking. Smart. He was dedicated for decades to Donrey Outdoor Advertising – and OAAA honored him with the Hall of Fame Award in 1999 for his deep industry involvement and leadership.”

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