Reddit’s First Brand Campaign Uses OOH

San Francisco, CA, September 1, 2020 – Reddit is calling on its 430m+ strong community to harness the power of voting with a new marketing campaign that encourages users to exercise their rights at the polls as enthusiastically as they do on their Reddit feeds.

Launching Tuesday, September 1 on National Poll Worker Recruitment Day, the campaign marks Reddit’s first ever brand marketing campaign and falls under its wider voter engagement initiative, “Up The Vote.” Created in partnership with R/GA San Francisco, the creative draws parallels between engagement with content on Reddit and participation in real-life elections.

A bedrock of the platform experience, Reddit users cast more than 165 million votes on the site every day to help determine the content most celebrated and what falls to the bottom of the feed. The new campaign urges Reddit’s 130,000+ active communities and the population at large to bring this same passion to voting in real life, and unite around a shared effort to shape our futures. It will run in out of home ads, print, online (including on Reddit), and in-ad displays across New York, Houston, Chicago and Los Angeles up until Election Day, November 3rd.

“Like so many others in 2020, we have pivoted our marketing efforts in order to best represent our brand in an appropriate and relevant way” said Reddit VP of Marketing, Roxy Young. “While not originally planned as such, it feels fitting that our first ever marketing campaign is focused on something as intrinsic to Reddit as voting, while also serving a positive purpose for our larger, real world community.

The campaign will be accompanied by a number of other Reddit “Up The Vote” initiatives focused on alerting, educating, and activating users in their right to vote, including a recently announced expert Ask Me Anything (AMA®) series on voting laws, rights, and processes, a National Voter Registration Day initiative to connect users with pertinent information, and Election Day resources to ensure a smooth voting experience.  A member of the Time to Vote Coalition, Reddit will also be giving its US employees the day off on Election Day to ensure they have the opportunity to vote or serve as poll workers.

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