Readers Talk Crane Safety

Yesterday we discussed an out of home boom truck mishap in Georgia.  Here are some comments we received.

All Steel Structures President Ted Bratsos says the mishap may have had several causes.

It is good to promote safety in our industry. Articles like Oooops bring safety to the forefront for everyone. A picture is worth a thousand words and this one is enough to scare anyone.

To quote a line from a movie: “It seems we have a predicament.”  But this is no laughing matter. It is good to hear the individual was not seriously hurt. This rescue is not as simple as it might seem.

What caused this? Without all the information we are limited in determining the cause. There could be more than one possible cause for this occurrence. But based on the picture my first question would be,  was the boom truck properly leveled when it was set up?

Things to consider:

  • Was the boom truck properly leveled?
  • Was the ground stable enough to handle the weights?
  • Was the load on the end of the boom appropriate for the distance they were operating from the center pin of the crane?
    • In other words, were they working within the safe capacity according to the crane charts?

Many of us use cranes on a daily basis in our industry, and by continuing to prioritize training and vigilance,  we can ensure a safer future for everyone.

Giesken Outdoor’s Tom Giesken says two things are wrong.

First of all they are way too far away to back up to it especially on a slope plus they should be swinging the boom out to the side and not fully extending out the back as presented. I know they have a hill there but for crying out loud, USE A LADDER!!! Lol


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