Here are some reader comments on Artificial Intelligence, ChatboxGPT and Out of Home.

Lucit Chief Technology Officer Eric Kubischta says AI can help with creative
I think there are a few things to think about here:
- This tech is relatively new, and improves daily. In fact, every time you ask it something, it learns a little bit more. So, if today, the AI is “bad at answering X, Y or X” tomorrow this may not be the case.
- It’s an AI. It does not know the difference between right and wrong. It is predicting textual content based on context.
- Chat GPT has limited knowledge of world and events after 2021 (according to their limitations disclaimer)
The applications for this tech are enormous. Generating creatives from these tools is not just a possibility, it will (and is) happening. For mundane, run of the mill, generic creatives (which so much of advertising is) – These tools will eventually completely automate these processes.If you could give the power of automatically generating great looking creatives to your customers….would you? – If something that used to take 14 emails, 4 people involved, and 16 days of back and forth to complete, now can be done by an AI in a few seconds – Is this a good thing?
We can’t really predict all of the use cases – Which is what makes this tech so exciting.
There are lots of negatives, just like with all new tech. Remember, the people that made wagon wheels, …really hated the automobile…

Lamar VP of Digital Growth Ian Dallimore says artificial intelligence can help design ads.

New South Outdoor founder Neil Bell says artificial intelligence might influence ad spending