Two reader comments on my column titled How Radio Tries to Take Down Billboard Recruitment Ads.
A Billboard Insider reader says technology has hurt the radio industry.
With services like Spotify and Xm satellite streaming services being available on many car stereos that are standard issue on new vehicles and most people use these services. Especially the coveted 18 to 35 year old demographic. I have not listened to a broadcast radio station in probably ten years. I find it odd that you see radio stations advertising o billboards from time to time but I have never heard a billboard company advertise on a radio station.
Another Billboard Insider reader asks “who advertises where?”
My first job in billboard advertising came from a billboard recruitment ad. My first job in radio advertising came from college on campus recruitment. I don’t like to negatively sell either medium, but radio’s fragmentation is hard to ignore. Billboards are the oldest form of advertising and the only medium all others use to promote themselves. Ever see a radio show advertised on a billboard? Yes. Ever hear a radio ad for a billboard company? Nope.
My Take:
Thanks to these commenters for expanding on the radio dilemma. Advertisers (including recruiters) W.I.N by following the wisdom of the marketplace. Radio is in a tough spot right now, while OOH is growing (record OOH revenues reported in Q2 2024).
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Why would you assume all thet money is flowing from radio to OOH or DOOH?
If it did the growth rate in the US would be higher than 4.1 % a year
Its losing this listeners to podcasts and social media