Here’s a selection of Billboard Insider reader comments on Legion Partners call for Clear Channel Outdoor to sell.
A finance exec says a sale is doable but faces some regulatory barriers.
It would be very doable to sell the whole enchilada. Market cap is currently around $516MM. Put a 20% take over premium on that and you are at about $620MM….for some select private equity shops that deal size may be too small. I have not read their debt docs but my guess is the lenders have to approve a change of control, and I would also guess they would not approve a change of control without material paydown of the debt. What’s material? Anyone’s guess, but mine would be $1B or more. So now you need a check writer for $1.6 to 1.7B. Still very doable for many private equity shops. The question is, could a PE/BDC get comfortable with a mid teens EBITDA multiple. Good question.
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