Rate This Board By Out of Home Creative

Rate This Board allows a billboard designer to rate a random piece of billboard artwork using the following scale: 1 (not good), 2 (below average), 3 (average), 4 (very good), 5 (great). Then the designer talks about what they may have done differently for outdoor advertising. This weeks rating is provided by Melody Roberts, an OBIE nominated billboard designer and founder of Out of Home Creative, an outdoor advertising design firm specializing in out of home design for businesses, agencies, media buyers and out of home companies. Melody has been in the outdoor industry since 1999.ikea-billboard

IKEA     Rating: 4 (very good)

IKEA’s usage of out of home reminds me of Chic-fil-A. Both advertisers utilize out of home to their best abilities finding new and clever ways to advertise their product(s). Both companies have bold, contrasting colors and they aren’t afraid to have fun with outdoor advertising.

  • If you notice nothing else, you know who the advertiser is.
  • IKEA has great contrasting colors that translate beautifully to OOH.
  • URL and images are so small; I would have recommended leaving them off and making the Hex Key larger and/or adding a bottom extension so the Hex Key would be touching the catwalk.
  • I don’t believe anyone would be able to read “Find one in the new 2011 catalog” especially if this is an interstate location. I’m also left wondering what am I supposed to find in the catalog?

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