Rate This Ad with Greg Callaham

Rate This Ad allows a billboard designer to rate a random piece of billboard artwork using the following scale: 1 (not good), 2 (below average), 3 (average), 4 (very good), 5 (great). Then the designer talks about what they may have done differently for outdoor advertising. This week’s rating is provided by Greg Callaham www.gregcallaham.com) who has over 30 years of experience in outdoor advertising design. Insider has used and endorses Callaham’s services.


Rating: 3 (Average)

The outdoor ad pictured here has a couple of things working very well. The headline is large, legible, and speaks directly to a benefit for the target audience. The visual is a large red automobile that represents the aforementioned benefit. Then the ad leaves the viewer squinting to figure out where to get that car. The advertiser logo and contact info are far too small to be easily read by people who want their dream car. This ad was so close to being a very good billboard. Unfortunately, it fell short. This ad earns a 3 (average).

As always, I do not know the details of the art request or components of the campaign this ad may or may not have been part of. But looking at this challenge with the eye of an OOH graphic designer and through the lens of the target audience, I would have urged the advertiser to run the ad pictured below:


[wpforms id=”9787″]

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