Venture Outdoor’s Randy Jackson has an excellent comment on yesterday’s Andy Goodman column on Walls and Spectaculars

Another consideration on a painted wall is the time it takes to execute the design. It needs to be expressly understood in the ad sales agreement when the campaign is “Posted and Delivered”. A wall like the Hotel Figueroa is often sold as 4-week campaigns. It can take a full week to paint a new design on the wall. If the campaign is “Posted” on the last brush stroke the most you can generate is ten billing periods out of the year (unless sold as a perm with no copy changes). One of the appeals of painted walls for advertisers is the process of painting the wall. It is fascinating. It is a slow reveal. It demands attention from the public. Expressing in the sales agreement that the painting process is part of the display term eliminates ambiguity with clients. It also offers the operator the opportunity to sell the space in 13 separate campaigns during the year, a 30% increase in revenue.
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Randy and I worked together at CBS outdoor during the time that we used sticky back vinyl on the Figueroa hotel. He is a good resource and an excellent mentor. I appreciate his comments to the article. Thanks Randy!