Quickbooks, Apparatix and BillboardPlanet are Most Used OOH Software Tools

Last week Billboard Insider asked readers what software tools they use to manage their out of home advertising companies.  Quickbooks, Apparatix and BillboardPlanet were the top three answers.

Apparatix – A software system which was built to manage an out of home company.  Handles proposals, billing, leases, vinyl management and installs, mapping.

BillboardPlanet – A sophisticated cloud-based system for managing an out of home company.  Handles proposals, billing, leases, vinyl management and installs, mapping, and scheduling.

The Siroky Group Quattro – A sophisticated cloud-based system to manage an out of home company.  Handles proposals, billing, leases, vinyl management and installs, mapping and scheduling.

SignDash –  Cloud-based sales and inventory management tool designed for small and midsized independent operators.

Quickbooks – Paid cloud-based accounting and invoicing.  Billboard Insider uses Quickbooks to do the accounting for itself and for Circle City Outdoor, it’s related out of home company.

Wave – A free cloud-based accounting alternative to Quickbooks.  Paid versions allow for more functionality.  Billboard Insider has two small affiliated management companies which use Wave.  It works great for small companies with few owners and relatively simple financials.

Hicks Outdoor President Greg Hicks suggests a couple additional tools:

Caspio.com  – A fully customized cloud database to fit any situation for a billboard plant.  Inventory, maintenance, installation schedules, etc.

ChargeOver – A low cost customizable recurring billing system.  Works well for small to midsize billboard plants with seamless interface with quickbooks.


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