Public OOH Stocks Trail US Market in 2Q 2024

The public out of home stocks trailed the US market in the second quarter of 2024.  The S&P 500 grew 4%, Lamar grew 1.7%, Clear Channel Outdoor declined 14.5% and OUTFRONT declined 17.7%.

Public Out of Home Stock Performance for 3 months ended June 30, 2024.  S&P 500 (black), Lamar (green), Clear Channel Outdoor (blue), OUTFRONT (purple).

The same pattern holds for the past year.  The S&P 500 is up 22.75%, Lamar up 18%, Clear Channel Outdoor down 2.9% and OUTFRONT down 12%.

Public Out of Home Stock Performance for year ended June 30, 2024.  S&P 500 (black), Lamar (green), Clear Channel Outdoor (blue), OUTFRONT (purple).


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