Popup city has a great post titled “The Next Trend in Outdoor Advertising Is Paint.” The post features the work of Colossal Media and Overall Murals in the Williamsburg area of Brooklyn. Colossal Media operates 400 hand-painted murals in 100 locations in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland and Seattle. The article gives three reasons for why paint ads thrive:
- Wall painted ads fall outside city regs on billboards. This is news to Insider. Cities like Portland grandfather wall ads if there’s historically been a wall ad on a building but most sign codes Insider reads have no carve out for painted wall ads.
- Painted ads are in keeping with Brooklyn’s huge graffiti and street art tradition.
- Painted ads involve a craft which appeals to Brooklyn’s massive group of craft enthusiasts. What’s not to like about seeing a Colossal Media artist handpainting a sign?
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