Lots of reaction to last week’s Kevin Gleason suggestion that we banish “board” from our out of home vocabulary. Here are 3 more phrases Insider would like to retire.
Lean in when used by a 50-something white male out of home or ad agency executive to sound sensitive and hip. As in “we need to lean in to that strategy” or “we need to lean in to that change.” Insider has no problem with lean in used in the Sheryl Sandberg sense to mean women seizing opportunities during their careers and not limiting themselves. Male out of home executives or ad agency execs have no business coopting the term to sound progressive when they talk about general business strategy. Implement a business strategy or pursue a strategy or execute a strategy. Don’t lean into it. And if you want to help women don’t use vaguely sympathetic multi-word phrases like lean in. Hire more women and mentor more women and pay them more!
Transparent. A three syllable imprecise buzzword which can be replaced by “clear” or “open” or “easy to understand.” We will have a clear or open or easy to understand privacy policy says what it means. We will have a transparent privacy policy means…who knows?
KPI or Key Performance Indicator. A showy term which confuses the uninitiated. How about goal or metric?
Agree or disagree? Which out of home terms would you like to see banished? Omnichannel? Hyper-local? Let Insider know using the form below.
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Sets us back, it’s dated. Drop the traditional, use out of home media, or online & offline media.