Excellence matters. Steiner/Bressler Advertising was an advertising agency in Birmingham, Alabama co-founded by Cy Steiner and Harry Bressler. The agency was extremely successful for many years. The lobby of their office had a framed message on the wall that read:
That message has stayed with me for over 40 years and the message holds true to this very day. Approximately 900 miles north of Birmingham, the Green Bay Packers were a force in the 1960’s, coached by the legendary Vince Lombardi. His philosophy echoed that framed message on the wall of the Steiner/Bressler offices. One of Lombardi’s quotes (paraphrased) is: “At the beginning of every football season, I tell my team that our goal is perfection, knowing full well that true perfection is impossible. I never tell them to be good because I have no interest in being good. Our goal as a team is always way beyond “good”. By having a goal of perfection, I know we will be EXCELLENT! If we are excellent, we will be successful”.
Those are pretty simplistic but strong words by both Vince Lombardi and Cy Steiner and both make the same point. A person’s goal should always be excellence. If you achieve that goal in any business or sporting environment, you and your team will be successful. Success wins!Never forget. Excellence breeds success in all walks of life.
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