In my 50+ years of sales, I’ve witnessed all kinds of sales techniques imaginable. Pretty sure I’ve also used most of those techniques. Most of them don’t work! Here’s what works. A first impression. Yep. You have one chance and one chance only to make a first impression. If you don’t pass that hurdle, chances are, you aren’t going to make a sale.
As both a sales person and a consumer, I can usually tell within the first two minutes whether or not I want to do business with a person. An ego will shine through like a searchlight. A condescending attitude will do the same. A smug look or a smirk will turn me off immediately. Inappropriate clothing will make me lose interest. Don’t get me wrong. Casual is in. Flip Flops aren’t! Looking down on someone because they are older—-or younger—-also doesn’t work. Acting like your product or service is the best in the world won’t work. It probably isn’t, by the way, but it might work perfectly for your prospect. It’s your job to find out whether or not that is the case.
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