Pete Hautem has 44 years experience in selling out of home. Here are a couple of his keys to effectively selling out of home. Billboard Insider asked Pete to talk about selling digital billboard ads.
How is selling digital different from selling static.?
Overall, selling Outdoor ads is basically the same, regardless of display type. But, to me, digital is a lot more fun. It’s more impactful. There’s so much more you can do. The colors are more vibrant. You can change the message every single flip. The flexibility of digital is immense for a client. They can buy it by the month, week, day. There’s no production. Is it more expensive than static. It can be, but, it is so much more impactful than static. Is it more impactful than static. Being an “old timer” in the business, it took me a while to understand and appreciate digital versus static. They obviously both have a strong value in an overall Outdoor ad campaign.
What do you say when someone says I don’t want to share my digital sign with anybody else.
I ask why. Do you not want to share space with anybody else or just somebody else in your category?. I understand if you don’t want to share space with a competitor, but don’t limit yourself without understanding the value of a very effective advertising product. If your message is done correctively and creatively, it will be noticed regardless of what surrounds it. Quite frankly, though, if a sales person has done an effective job of explaining digital Out of Home versus other media, that question will not be asked. There isn’t any other ad medium that does NOT share space.
What’s been one of your most effective digital billboard ad campaigns?
Believe it or not, churches are an excellent category for digital, just because of the flexibility. Think about it. Sunday service messages, weekly events, community involvement, special messages. The flexibility of digital Outdoor lends itself to categories that want to keep fresh messages up on a regular basis. The instantaneous changing of messages allows you to come up with an idea and have it on display within a matter of minutes! That provides a lot of value.
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