Paying for Vinyl Changes

Installing a vinyl on a formetco backlit billboard.

Small out of home companies have asked Billboard Insider for ideas on how to pay their vinyl installation subcontractors.  Here’s what one out of home company told Billboard Insider.

What should you pay for outsourced installation?
 This is tough. I figure that if two guys can install one vinyl in an hour, the price should be around $200-$300 per sign face. However, if you need to do an install in the dead of winter when it’s 6 degrees and drive two hours to get to the site, the amount is going to be significantly higher.
Fixed Price?
I prefer a fixed price per sign.  You probably need a two tiered rate.  One rate for signs where you have a sign with walkways and easy access and and a second rate for signs with difficult access where you need a ladder or a bucked truck. If you ask for a fixed rate on all locations the installer is going to give you a higher rate for all locations to make up for the those that require a ladder.
Hourly install rate?
I prefer a fixed rate per sign. If the installer has other business in the area, or wants to make a side trip, that’s up to them, on their own time
Are travel expenses extra?
Most of the time, if it’s within an hour of the office I would not expect an additional travel expense

Do you expect photos for proof of posting?

This mandatory. The best is with date stamp on the photo

What are your thoughts on paying contractors for installations.  Email or use the form below
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One Comment

  1. Looking for sub contractors in the San Diego CA area to install vinyls. Can you help me. Thank you