Dan Nausley did an excellent job in stressing the importance of partnering with a top notch sales training group who can provide ongoing training/coaching and reinforcement to your sales team.
Insider heard from two readers reinforcing this school of thought.

Patrick O’Donnell, President of YESCO Outdoor Media had this to say:
YESCO Outdoor Media retained the Nausley’s in 2018. I had seen a couple of their presentations at IBO. I was impressed with their approach and reached out to Dan. I felt at the time that as a sales group my team was in a bit of rut and could use a good dose of enthusiasm in addition to enhancing their professional skills.
Our partnership with Dan & Lisa has been extraordinarily rewarding. I believe every account executive in our organization would say the training has been immensely valuable. We believe our sales team is as well-trained as any in our industry and the level of professionalism is the best it’s ever been.
It took us while to get going, but we’ve had record sales the last three years. I can’t say enough about the help Sandler provided during the pandemic. 2020 was a great year for us despite contraction elsewhere. Every new salesperson at YESCO Outdoor Media is immediately introduced to Dan & Lisa. It’s where the education begins.

We also heard from Pete Hautem yesterday. Pete has had 44 years experience in selling out of home:
Great interview with Dan. He is absolutely correct when he says sales (or anything else for that matter) cannot be taught in a one day seminar. It really does take a partnership. Sales has to be re-enforced on a regular basis for folks to grab the basics and purpose. At my age, having been in the business for over 40 years, I still learn something new almost every day just by listening and observing. That’s probably the main reason I’m still involved in the business. I simply love hearing the new strategies, concepts, products, and services, and putting my own spin on them and delivering a message. That’s what OOH sales is all about.
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