Other News

Vote For ArtPop, Today’s The Day

Insider noticed on a LinkedIn post that our friend Wendy Hickey and ArtPop Street Gallery is in the running for a Rare Life Honor which could benefit her non-profit. We can all help by voting for ArtPop and TODAY IS THE LAST DAY FOR VOTING! If you have not voted yet […]

DJ Jennings on Preventing Vandalism

By DJ Jennings, Sales Manager, Outdoorlink I found last week’s Billboard Insider article on preventing vandalism interesting.   At Smartlink we have been helping to provide ways of addressing these issues as well. About a year ago we developed a camera system for the purpose of increasing the level of proof […]

Key Congressman Salutes FBI-Billboard Partnership

The transportation leader of the US House of Representatives praised the FBI’s use of digital billboards as an effective partnership that saves taxpayers’ money and enhances safety. On November 29, Congressman Bill Shuster, R-PA, published a statement in the Congressional Record, commending billboard operators for donating space to help law […]

Rate This Board By Greg Callaham

Rate This Board allows a billboard designer to rate a random piece of billboard artwork using the following scale: 1 (not good), 2 (below average), 3 (average), 4 (very good), 5 (great). Then the designer talks about what they may have done differently for outdoor advertising. This week’s rating is […]

Billboard Insider Classifieds December 2, 2017

Billboard Insider Classifieds work: “We have written new insurance business as a result of our ad in Billboard Insider.”  Stu Lee, Bassler Insurance “When thinking as to how best to get the word out of our available position we thought of Billboard Insider.  We are glad we did.  The cost […]

Lenders Want Nearly All Of iHeart & CCO, Plus A Chapter 11 Option

A late report yesterday shed some detail on what the major lender’s are requesting from iHeart Media in their debt restructuring negotiations.  Insider has expected the debt holders would be aggressive and would pursue a significant equity position in both iHeart and Clear Channel Outdoor. Here is what the lender […]

OOH Drives More Online Activity Than Banner Ads

Washington, DC (November 29, 2017) – Out of home (OOH) advertising is more effective in driving online activity when compared to online banner ads, according to a new study released by Nielsen. The study found OOH delivers more online activity per ad dollar spent compared to online banner ads and […]

Laible on Out of Home Scholarships and Research

Myron Laible is a busy guy. In addition to serving as Vice President, State, Local, and Regulatory Affairs for OAAA, Laible is an officer of the Foundation of Outdoor Advertising Research and Education (FOARE).  Insider talked with Laible this week to get an update on the foundation’s activities. Myron, when […]