Other News

Company of the Day: Bella Outdoor

Company: Bella Outdoor Markets:  Montana Headquarters: PO Box 50119, Billings, MT Phone: 406-671-6155 Email: Bellaoutdoor@bresnan.net Bella Outdoor was started in 2007 by Joe and Jenifer Mancuso.  The company operates a billboard plant  around Billings in Yellowstone, Carbon and Stillwater counties.     The company was the subject of a 2009 Billings Gazette Profile and a 2016 KULR News […]

Where the out of home companies are.

Insider has a database of 424 out of home companies headquartered in the United States, Canada and the Caribbean.  We are discovering new companies every day.  Here are the five states which are headquarters to the most out of home companies.  They are big states with a large interstate highway […]

When safety equipment isn’t safe

By Jim Poage, Safety Director, Formetco Most people know that all personal protective equipment should be inspected prior to use, but few people think about the limitations or increased danger in using the equipment incorrectly.  Using a standard full body harness with a shock absorbing lanyard is a great to […]

Why Congress Wants to Get Rid of the Bonus Act

By Kerry Yoakum, Vice President of Government Affairs, OAAA Illinois’ Department of Transportation has asked a home-state congressman to change federal law to allow states to exit the Fifties-era “Bonus Program” without penalty. The Bonus Act, a precursor to the Highway Beautification Act of 1965, provided federal incentive money to […]

Company of the Day – Bedsole Outdoor Advertising

Company:  Bedsole Outdoor Advertising Headquarters:   576 Devon Brooke Drive Woodstock GA 30188 Markets:   Georgia and Alabama Phone: 404.317.4799 Email:   BedsoleOutdoor@comcast.net Bedsole Outdoor, LLC is a billboard/outdoor advertising company established in 2002. Owner and operator is Angi Bedsole. Current inventory is located in Dawsonville and Marrietta GA and Birmingham, AL.  2017 was […]

Billboard Legal: Mitigating End of Lease Costs

By Richard Rothfelder, Rothfelder and Falick Fairway Outdoor Advert. v. Edwards, 197 N.C. App. 650 (2009). Introduction Sometimes you must pour a huge cement foundation to anchor a billboard and a landlord then paves, landscapes, or builds around your billboard. In those cases, the cost of removing the concrete foundation […]

Daily Billboard’s Three of a Kind

Insider is introducing a new monthly column called Daily Billboard Blog’s ‘Three of a Kind’.   In this feature Jason Morgan the owner of Daily Billboard blog will write about interesting billboards in Los Angeles. By Jason Morgan, Daily Billboard Blog Having lived in L.A. for ten years and having been cataloguing some of the amazing billboards filling the […]

Lamar to Allocate Billboard Space for Earth Week in Support of “360 for The Planet” Campaign

  Lamar Advertising Company is donating digital billboard space in support of “#360fortheplanet,” a PSA campaign spearheaded by 1% For The Planet that will encourage businesses and individuals to take greater responsibility for the planet. 1% For the Planet is a global organization comprised of businesses, nonprofits and individuals working together for a […]

Company of the Day: Becker Boards

Company: Becker Boards Market: Arizona, Florida, California. Headquarters: 4350 E Camelback Rd, Suite B-195, Phoenix, AZ  85018 Phone: 480-370-7740 Becker Boards is the largest privately held billboard company in Phoenix.  It was founded by Mark Becker, a former real estate lawyer and developer and entrepreneur Joseph White.  In Phoenix, the company has almost 250 displays with […]

Billboard Insider Classifieds April 14, 2018

Billboards for sale ads cost $120 paid in advance by credit card.  All other classifieds cost $60 for 60 days or $120 per year paid in advance by credit card. To place your classified Click Here. Appraisals Signvalue appraises billboards. Art and Creative Billboards, Etc designs and prints billboard ads. Out of Home […]