Other News

Lamar Expands Airport Inventory in Madison, WI

Baton Rouge, LA – October 17, 2018 – Lamar Advertising Company (Nasdaq: LAMR), one of the largest out of home media companies in the world, announced today that the company has been awarded a contract by Dane County Regional Airport (MSN) in Madison, WI to manage all Out of Home […]

Company of the Day – InterState Outdoor, Inc.

Company: InterState Outdoor, Inc. Headquarters: 1009 S. Pollock, Selma NC 27576 Market: North Carolina Phone: 800.232.9072 Email: warren@interstateoutdoor.net Interstate Outdoor is a family owned and operated company, headquartered in Selma, North Carolina.  Their service area currently covers 42 counties including most of eastern North Carolina with over 900 faces.  Their […]

Billboard Legal: Asserting Your Rights

Don’t be shy about asserting your rights if a zoning or planning board doesn’t follow the rules.  That’s the lesson of Borough of Castle Shannon vs Steel City Billboards.  Insider talked with Steel City Billboards owner Mitchell Fowkes. What was the dispute? Steel City Billboards went to Castle Shannon Borough to […]

New and Noted October 16, 2018

  LA times published an article on Netflix and billboards.  The takeaway: Sunset Strip billboard rents are up 20-35% since Netflix’s purchase.  It’s supply and demand.  The supply or billboards on the strip has shrunk since Netflix bought 18 boards from Regency.  Demand is as high as ever. Seeking Alpha’s […]

Geopath Market Spotlight: Orlando

Did you know: The Orlando Public Library is the largest public library building in the state of Florida, covering 290,000 square feet. The tallest building in the city of Orlando is the SunTrust Center, standing at 441 feet. This week’s Geopath Market Spotlight focuses on the Orlando DMA. Infographics for […]

Company of the Day: Irish Sign

Company: Irish Sign Co Market:  North Dakota Headquarters: 2302 University Drive S. Fargo, ND  58103 Phone: 701-371-5018 Email: info@IrishSignCo.com Irish Sign Co is owned by Simon and Whitney Irish.  They operate a digital billboard in Fargo, North Dakota.  Pricing ranges from $325-500/week per slot. [wpforms id=”9787″]   Paid Advertisement

Rothfelder on Political Advertising

By Richard Rothfelder, Rothfelder and Falick With the 2018 Midterm Elections less than a month away, I have received numerous questions from my corporate and individually owned billboard clients regarding political advertising on their billboards: What can be advertised for state and federal elections? What rules apply and how do […]

Dan Levi on data success stories

Clear Channel CMO Dan Levi was interviewed by Patrick McGinnis on the AW360 podcast last week. Here’s Levi talking about how a data-driven approach to out of home can benefit clients: We’re showing great results to our clients.  Retailers, QSR clients, consumer packaged goods, automotive.  These are the biggest categories […]

Digital Billboard Fight in Braintree MASS

The Boston Globe reports that Tom Sullivan (Lumber Liquidators and Cabinents to Go) and RJ Valentine (MBA Umbrella group) are fighting over the right to install a digital billboard on I-93 in Braintree, Massachusetts.  There’s a 1,000 foot setback between digital billboards in Boston so there will only be one […]

Company of the Day – International Outdoor

Company: International Outdoor Headquarters: 28423 Orchard Lake Road, Suite 200, Farmington Hills, MI 48334 Markets: Metropolitan Detroit Phone: 248.489.8989 Email: info@iobillboard.com International Outdoor was founded on November 19, 1997 as an independent operator and owner of outdoor advertising assets. Since that time it has been wholly owned by Hind Oram […]