Company: Juggernaut Billboards Markets: Arizona Headquarters: 6029 E Paseo Ventoso, 2nd Floor, Tucson, AZ 85750 Phone: 520-241-6419 Email: Juggernaut Billboards operates a plant in Arizona The company is owned by Chip Tolleson and Rick Rendon. They started the company in 2014. Insider talked with Rick Rendon. How did you […]
Other News
Baltimore Judge: Billboards are not “Speech”
Clear Channel Outdoor plans to appeal an adverse court decision in Baltimore that says the city’s targeted tax on billboards does not harm free speech. Clear Channel has challenged Baltimore’s billboard tax, which is based on square footage, since it was imposed in 2013. On February 27, 2018, a Maryland […]
Supplier Spotlight: 3 Questions About Fall Protection
By Kerry Yoakum Vice President of Government Affairs, OAAA OAAA regularly features Thought Leadership Q&A from its committee members. This month, OAAA presents the Supplier Spotlight, asking about billboard fall protection: How does the new 1910 Subpart D – Walking Working Surfaces standard impact the use of fall protection? What are some […]
New and Noted November 1, 2018
Whoever owns data will own the advertising surrounding driverless cars says Sara Fischer at Axios. Former Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker has formed a Scenic Utah chapter to fight billboards. The Salt Lake Tribune did a fairly even handed piece, quoting Dewey Reagan on the importance of billboards to […]
Company of the Day – Jones Outdoor Advertising
Company: Jones Outdoor Advertising Headquarters: 10657 E. Old Vail Connection Road.,Tucson, Az 85747 Markets: Arizona Phone: 877.292.6273 Email: Jones Outdoor Advertising is a family owned company with more than 35 years experience operating a billboard plant in rural Arizona. The Company is focused on the concerns of those whose interests and products […]
Chris Adams on Backlit Imprints
Insider was in St Cloud Minnesota recently and saw a great looking backlit imprint on a Franklin Outdoor digital billboard. Backlit imprints are a great way to call attention to your company, especially on digital signs. Insider talked with Chris Adams, Formetco’s Product Manager, Outdoor Hardware about backlit imprints. What […]
Out of Home Wins Legal Victory on “Standing”
Scenic Kentucky lost in court, again. The highest court in Kentucky rejected Scenic Kentucky’s appeal in a long-running case involving the state’s regulation of digital billboards and vegetation control. Essentially, the courts said the anti-billboard group lacked standing to sue. Scenic Kentucky sued the Commonwealth after the legislature approved a […]
Geopath Market Spotlight: Albany
Did you know: Modern toilet paper, with its perforated sections wound around a cardboard tube, was invented in Albany. Merman Melville, author of Moby Dick, once called Albany home. This week’s Geopath Market Spotlight focuses on the Albany DMA. Infographics for the top DMAs and much more are available to […]
Company of the Day: JR Promotions
Company: JR Promotions Market: Indiana Headquarters: 430 2nd St, Columbus, IN 47201 Phone: 812-379-2173 JR Promotions owns 1000 billboard faces in Indiana. The company was started by Janeen Sprague in July of 1986. She owned a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant that relied on interstate billboards. Janeen saw an opportunity to establish an outdoor […]
Florida Billboard Damage
Yesterday Insider wrote about damage from Hurricane Michael in Florida. Neil Bell of New South Outdoor was in Florida post-hurricane and gives Insider this report. I went down one week after the hurricane hit with some friends to help a church that was destroyed and saw the devastation. It really […]