Other News

Geopath Market Spotlight: Mobile-Pensacola

Did you know: Mobile rings in the New Year by dropping a giant Moon Pie instead of a ball. Mobile is much older than the state which it’s a part of.  It was first settled in 1702, 117 years before Alabama became a state. This week’s Geopath Market Spotlight focuses […]

Rain triggers images in UK billboard campaign.

LONDON, UK Glimpse and the not-for-profit collective We Are Ocean make a clever connection between cities and the seas in an out-of-home campaign which is triggered by rainfall from the ocean. The Sea Is The Sky recalibrates the relationship between inland urban populations and the world’s oceans, using delightfully surreal […]

Clear Channel and iHeart Media Separation

As iHeart’s emergence from bankruptcy nears, along with Clear Channel Outdoor’s separation from their parent, Insider saw some details we thought we would pass along from a recent Form S-1 filed with the SEC.  Here are a few highlights: iHeart Equity Raise –  iHeartMedia has filed to raise $100 million […]

Paul Wright on Billboard Taxes

By Paul Wright, SignValue.com A very important tax case was recently decided in the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court. Billboard owners and landowners should take note of the case and its potential long-term implications. The court concluded that billboard lease income can be considered when estimating the taxable value of land. In […]

Pat O’Donnell On OOH As Part of the Solution

Pat O’Donnell is president of YESCO Outdoor Media and chairman of the Legislative Committee of the Out of Home Advertising Association of America. Listen to these articulate testimonials from a small-town police chief, a founder of Earth Day, and a big-city health commissioner fighting opioid addiction. The Police Chief   […]

Company of the Day – RoosterWorks247

Company: RoosterWorks247 Market: Jacksonville, AL Headquarters: 1590 Pelham Road South, Suite 3 Jacksonville, AL 36265 Phone: 256.591.6462 RoosterWorks247 operates a digital billboards on Highway 21 Northbound across from Wal-Mart in Jacksonville, AL.  The company’s owner is David Glass who also owns an insurance agency.   [wpforms id=”9787″]   Paid Advertisement

Turning pickups into mobile billboards.

Ever wanted to turn your pickup trucks into mobile billboards?  Billboard Insider reader Keith White has developed a system to do that.  Insider talked with White. What gave you the idea for Bedfin? The idea for Bedfin came to me while I was working in the sales department of a […]

Framingham approves ad supported charging stations

Metro West Daily News reports that Framingham, Massachusetts  Planning Board voted 4-1 to permit Volta to install  six electric vehicle charging stations which will be financed via advertising on the station.  Volta is active in 20 communities across the US. Insider’s take:  Expect to see more of this as cities […]

Rate This Board by Greg Callaham

Rate This Board allows a billboard designer to rate a random piece of billboard artwork using the following scale: 1 (not good), 2 (below average), 3 (average), 4 (very good), 5 (great). Then the designer talks about what they may have done differently for outdoor advertising. Today’s rating is provided […]

Company of the Day: RSA Media

Company:  RSA Media Market:  Massachusetts Headquarters:  1 Huntington Avenue, Suite 1104, Boston, Massachusetts  02116 Phone:  617-227-4858 RSA Media owns a billboard plant with 15 structures and 25 faces in Massachusetts.  The company is a member of the OAAA and Geopath.  The plant includes 4 digital billboard faces, 5 spectaculars and 3 […]