Other News

Regulatory Roundup, December 15, 2020

 Bench Billboard, a company which sells sign space on benches, lost a suit challenging Colerain, Ohio’s sign code which prohibits signs in the public right of way.    Here are links to the court decision and Rocky Mountain Sign Law’s analysis. Richard Rothfelder discussed outdoor advertising on episode 58 of the […]

Daily Billboard’s 3 of a Kind: Dear Santa

This festive season, Daily Billboard thought we’d showcase three billboards from different industries making the most of the holidays and either trying to stay off Santa’s naughty list or sending their Christmas present requests. First up is a clever copy-only ‘bad or good’ ad creative from Wells Fargo bank highlighting […]

Branded Cities Signs Agreement for Broadway Plaza Digital

New York, NY– December 14, 2020 – Branded Cities (“BC”), an iconic Out-of-Home media company,  and The Durst Organization, a leading commercial and real estate company, announced an exclusive representation agreement to sell digital advertising and integrated marketing campaigns on a full-motion LED display located on Broadway between 42nd and […]

Company of the Day – RAM Outdoor Advertising

Company: RAM Outdoor Advertising Market:  Arkansas, Oklahoma Headquarters: P.O. Box 561300 The Colony, Texas 75056 Phone:  479-459-5089 Email:  Deb@ramoutdoor.net RAM Outdoor is privately owned by Craig and Jamie Roberts and has operated billboards in Sebastian and Crawford Counties in Arkansas since January 2004 Their inventory includes 31 structures consisting of static, tri-vision […]

Does Your Billboard Company Need an Online Presence?

By Scott Bell, CEO, Bell Media Billboard company owners are often apprehensive about investing time, energy, and resources into building a strong online presence. This apprehension is understandable given most new business sales have historically been sourced through cold-calling, networking, referrals, and self-promos on billboards. I’m here to share why […]

Most Ancient Billboard in the World?

By Dr. Saikrishna Gajavelly, CEO Mera Hoardings Out Of Home Advertising Roots Found In Ancient India Date Backs To 3-5000Bc Outdoor advertising is one of the most affordable forms of marketing in the Sign industry. Even the ancient world had Billboards or Signboards something a lot like them. Indus valley […]

Daktronics Revenues off 27% in 2Q FY21

Daktronics released financials for the three months ended October 31, 2020.   Revenues are down but the company stayed profitable due in part to expenses cuts.   Here are the highlights from the earnings release and earnings call. Revenues declined by 27% to $127.4 million for the three months ended October 31, […]

Rate This Ad by Greg Callaham

Rate This Board allows a billboard designer to rate a random piece of billboard artwork using the following scale: 1 (not good), 2 (below average), 3 (average), 4 (very good), 5 (great). Then the designer talks about what they may have done differently for outdoor advertising. This week’s rating is […]

Company of the Day: Red Sunset Land

Company:  Red Sunset Land Outdoor Advertising Markets:  Minnesota Address: 9186 Raps Rd, Cook, MN. 55723 Email: info@redsunsetland.com Phone: 218-780-0477 Red Sunset Land Development operates a two two-sided static billboards with a total of 4 faces in Cook, Minnesota.  In addition to the out of home business, the company buys and […]

Hello From Retirement – Don Avjean

Don Avjean was nice enough to check in with Insider the other day. Don, recently the VP of Government Affairs for OUTFRONT Media, is living in Florida and enjoying retirement and the opportunity to work on his golf game. While he is greatly enjoying retirement, he did say that he […]